Hello!!! The name's Mervin. Loves photography, shopping, coffee, and my friends. I can fill this little section with so much crap to scare you away, but... enough, I think? XD

Getting molested is... Syiokk!!!!

Okay, hi world. : )

Something funnay happened today.

Well, as you know, I'm now Secretary of my student welfare committee.


Not only Secretary, but Honorary Secretary. In fact, i'mma highlight the word Honorary everytime it comes up.

Haha, damn, I'm like so perasan now. XD

Ah anyway..... Just the title Honorary means that on the outside, we have to be like uber professional. Black shirts, silver tie (ZOMG 30 bucks!), formal shoes, nametag, whatever. As long as got class, dah cukup.

Howeveeer..... when we're not in public, we can all go way down the evolutionary scale. Like back to monkey stages, you know?

So yeessss. Evelyn was giving her trademark nerve massage/stimulant/whatever you wanna call it. Ben was the victim, and he went all orgasmic and moaning. In pleasure or pain, I have no clue, and so: "What's so wrong? pain meh?"

And there I was, closing my eyes, bracing myself, and yes. The hands started working their magic.

It wasn't really painful actually. Somehow, it's like your average treatment. You know, the one you pay 50 bucks to a slutty looking woman at Sungei Wang,and they jam their knuckles, SM you, step on you or some shit like that? Yeah. That's the one.

And I swear to God, the longer she massaged, the more it felt better. So I went ahead and blurted out: "Woooah, sibeh song oh..... if my wife does this everyday, I'll be a happy boy!"

And that was when I realized it wasn't dear Evelyn. It was.....



Shit I swear I've never felt more scandalised like that since god knows when.The whole room was staring at me, giggling their heads off.

Very embarassing. I felt like one of those gays in a gay bar, except this time, it's his first time, and he's getting an erection, and -

Maybe I should just shut up.

P.S. Nah, Wan Kah.... you said you waited for my blog to be updated, and so it is now! you better read, if not I burn your ass when you come back. And I don't care if you can walk onot. BURN!!!!!!!

Yours truly,


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