Those of you who're not in TARC, ProDEx is just over! Those who're involved can finally say goodbye to the stresses, final year projects, and empty crowds.
Sigh. Diverge a bit. Even when I want to talk, I personally find it very hard to blog when:
a) there's nothing to talk about, or worse still,
b) I can't remember anything because - yes, people - I procrastinate and delay my posts.
That's how much of a memory I have. Could I be suffering from an early form of amnesia? Shit.
But here's one thing I DO recall. I can't remember the last time I went on stage in front of a crowd, but last Saturday was the best. THE BEST!!!! No stress, only thrills. And the crowd was good sport, too.
I'll admit it, I was afraid no one was gonna participate in the games. I'd be talking to the wall, ugh.
And I was on the Materials and Manufacturing Engineering notice board! (It's Campus Day for my college at the same time, see). An asscracked tiny picture of me, looking smart in semi-formal, hair done up and stuff. Why couldn't the college've made it bigger?!?!?!? Boo.
It's quite a pity my lecturer doesn't read my blog. Because if he did...
Hahaah, that's what I call bribery. Dun dun duuuunnnnnhhhh!!!!!
My mom tells me wearing that outfit, I don't look like I belong to Engineering. And my friends managed to fill in the gap.
To Kok Jun and Choy Leng, you guys did great, don't worry! We kicked AMT's ass, HARD, believe me.
To DMT2 who helped me in my very very last minute booth deco, arigato gozaimashta. You saved my ass from getting steamed by Mr Ng, hehe. :P
So yeah. thank you Mdm Kong, too.
Okeh, acknowledgements, done! Here're some pictures of what we had at the booth.
Seniors made these door gifts. Plastic stuff, you know. But what was totally screwed up was people kept sniffing them; one even bit them. The most classic one was when we offered one to the guard, and he told us, "Wah, tak nak lah, I dah kenyang ni."
I've always had the crazy thinking that if I get pulled by the machine, will that make me taller?
That's right! Without the deco, you think it'd look so interesting or not? Hmph. We ain't useless!
That's all nice things, but when we saw the other booths, the spirit kinda went down. Expecially the architecture booth. When we turned on the switch, we went "WAAAAAAH!!!!"
Makes me wonder if Engineering really is my cup of tea coffee, or did I just make a huge pig-headed mistake.
Alaaahhhh, can be lecturer laah! (Or emcee Materials hour once every year for the rest of my life, *chuckles*)
Yours truly,
Mervin, I want and need my photographic memory back. Exams are coming up!
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