Hello!!! The name's Mervin. Loves photography, shopping, coffee, and my friends. I can fill this little section with so much crap to scare you away, but... enough, I think? XD

When Pigs Go Crazy.

What do we do when there's a two and a half hour break, and suddenly english lessons get called off, adding yet ANOTHER break hour?

Watch a movie, what else?

After Say Er went coocoo over Sorority Row screaming it was a must-watch, me, Yi Hui, Sam and Jeremy decided to make a run for KLCC to catch it, with lessons resuming at 2 o'clock. But ugh, GSC just had to place Sorority Row AT 2 o'clock.


But but but.... we are not people who go home empty handed and so we switched over to plan B : PICK RANDOM MOVIE.

Ended up with some Korean horror named Chaw.

For the record, I was, and am not a big fan of movies in any other language besides Chinese and English, so I was a little skeptical when I sat down.

The wild mutated beast that kills, and no kidding; That's what the entire movie's about. Some wild pig grew to be larger than Pumbaa from the Lion King, and starts eating people up.


The animation of Pumbaa's grandson wasn't that real, and every second in the movie felt so fake. But still okay laah.

The comedy and pain scenes did manage to piss me off, though. Childish, and a bit too try hard at times. The calafares are just fuggly faces on the screen in need of acting lessons, mainly because they can't act for nuts. Wanted to stab each one of them in their guts, gahh.

Oh, the ending? Shit stupid, something involving Photoshop's bloat or pucker tool. I'm knocking two points off for that. Take that, Korea. =P

But DO watch out for tha part when two cops piss together at the roadside, or when they set the lead actor's ass on fire with gunpowder. Take my word for it, they'll leave you stupefied, giggling and whispering "WTF?!?"

So ok. For my first Korean flick..... 5.5/10?

Still watchable, okay!!!

Blergh. Maybe I'm just too fussy when it comes to movies.

Or.... maybe I'm just looking for reasons to stick to English movies. XD

Went back half an hour late for class. Whoops!

Personal note: Bring sweater to movies. I learnt that very cold lesson that day, seeing as my butt nearly turned to ice.

Yours truly,
Mervin, it still hurts.


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